Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my blog..

Blog aku x btol agaknye..padahal aku post blog 1Disember tapi dia still tulis 30 November..aku xtau macam mane  nak betolkan..somebody please told how correct that thing..so bagi sesape yg bace blog aku..sbnrnye dia lmbt satu hari..harap maklum..

cukup psl blog aku..bagi sesape peminat invincible youth ad citer ni,..

Does “Invincible Youth” have a Chinese copycat?

A certain Chinese variety show is being accused of plagiarism for copying KBS 2TV’s girl group variety show, “Invincible Youth“.
On November 30th, on an entertainment bulletin board, captures of a show that allegedly copied “Invincible Youth” was posted. The show is called, “偶像誕生 (Birth of an Idol)”, and the opening, member configuration, music, effects, and more, are almost identical to those of “Invincible Youth”.
On the show, there is a member reminiscent of Kim Tae Woo, a female member dressed like Narsha, and anyone who has seen “Invincible Youth” would say that the format is very similar. The Chinese comments left on the video also criticize the show, saying, “This is exactly the same as ‘Invincible Youth’. I’m embarrassed other people might see” and “‘Birth of an Idol’? Is copying idolizing?
Kim Ho Sang, the producer of “Invincible Youth”, told Sports Chosun, “I found out today because fans of ‘Invincible Youth’ called me. The program did not officially purchase the rights of the show. I believe this happened because the program is popular, and the members are becoming popular in China. We’re looking for the exact reality. We will discuss our next actions afterwards.
The possibility of this issue developing into a lawsuit is keeping fans interested.

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